Young voices are being urged to help drive forward a youth project for Friockheim.
The need for a dedicated drop-in youth space at FriockHub has been put forward by local people during an ongoing consultation period.
An open meeting is being held on Wednesday at 6.30pm in the community lounge in Friockheim Primary School to develop the idea of a youth project into reality.
FriockHub centre manager Barry Thomson will be joined by local partners at the meeting and he is encouraging young people and parents to turn out in force to share their thoughts and ideas.
Barry said there is currently youth provision in surrounding towns, such as Arbroath at the CAFE Project and the Pitstop in Forfar, but that often requires parents being available to provide transport which is sometimes tricky.
He said there is now a chance to develop something on their doorstep but it will require young people to step up and get involved.
Barry has a number of years’ experience in community work along with a vast knowledge of working in the third sector.
“My background was youth work so this has always been something that was at the back of my mind,” he said.
“But there is no point in starting a youth project unless there was a demand for it in the community.
“We now have agreement to use a dedicated space for youth provision but we need young people’s voices to drive this forward.
“It’s about producing something together which everyone will have a stake in.”
Barry said he would encourage youngsters and parents to gather at the meeting on Wednesday where ideas can be discussed and taken forward.
He said the vision would be of young people working with volunteers and staff to create the “safe space” where they can congregate and also working together to secure funding.
Opportunities would also exist for partnership work with different organisations to come in to Friockheim to provide support and education on a wide range of issues which affect young people such as mental health, young carers issues and substance misuse.
Local resident, Carol Dickson is heavily involved with trying to set up the project, having approached the Hub to request the dedicated space.
Carol said there was “a definite need for something like this in the village”.
To find out more about FriockHub or get involved by volunteering visit their website