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Martel Maxwell highlights Dundee Raac issue on BBC show

The Homes Under the Hammer presenter spoke to residents affected by the potentially dangerous concrete.

Martel Maxwell highlighted the Raac issue for a TV feature. Image: Morning Live/BBC
Martel Maxwell highlighted the Raac issue for a TV feature. Image: Morning Live/BBC

TV presenter Martel Maxwell has highlighted the Raac problems facing Dundee homeowners on a BBC show.

The Homes Under the Hammer presenter and Courier columnist presented a feature on the potentially dangerous concrete on Morning Live on Monday.

Raac has been found in several homes across the city with a campaign group set up to try and get help for householders.

Residents have spoken to The Courier about Raac in their homes, including Wayne and Yvette Hoskins – who also chatted to Martel for the BBC programme.

Yvette Hoskins speaking to Martel. Image: Morning Live/BBC

They told the show they were finding it impossible to sell their Southampton Place home after discovering the block they are in has Raac.

When the couple tried to sell their home at auction, they were only offered a quarter of what they paid for their property.

Martel also spoke to a family in Essex who discovered Raac in their home and were eventually moved by their local authority.

Expert says homes must be kept dry

She also interviewed structural engineer Ewan Henderson.

He told the presenter there was a risk of collapse in properties with Raac.

He said anyone with any concerns should get a survey done.

He added: “The most important thing with Raac is to keep the water out.

“If it’s kept dry it won’t deteriorate to the same extent.”

Martel told the show the extent of the Raac problem across the country is still not known.

Yvette and Wayne Hoskins outside their flat. Image: Kim Cessford/DC Thomson

Dundee City Council declined to give comment to the BBC on its Morning Live feature.

The local authority previously said it was “satisfied” that all affected properties in the city had been identified.

A spokesperson added: “Those properties that are affected will continue to be inspected as per the recommendation of the Institute of Structural Engineers.

“Where properties are privately owned, responsibility for maintenance lies with owners who are recommended to seek their own advice regarding the condition of Raac present within their property.

The Courier has looked into what homeowners should do if they discover Raac in their properties.

Last week, Martel filmed for Homes Under the Hammer in Dundee for the first time.
