Dundee Horse cut free from carrier vehicle after becoming stuck at Dundee petrol station By Jake Keith January 12 2019, 10:41am January 12 2019, 10:41am Share Horse cut free from carrier vehicle after becoming stuck at Dundee petrol station Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/news/dundee/806197/horse-cut-free-from-carrier-vehicle-after-becoming-stuck-at-dundee-petrol-station/ Copy Link Fire crews were called to rescue two walkers stranded at the Fife beauty spot. A horse had to be cut free from a carrier vehicle after it became trapped at a Dundee petrol station. The fire service used hydraulic cutting equipment to help the horse at the BP petrol station on the A90 at Invergowrie on Saturday morning. Three fire engines were in attendance with a vet also called out to aid the distressed animal. The situation reportedly caused traffic problems on the main westward route out of the city. A spokesperson for the fire service said the situation took just over an hour to deal with after receiving a call at 9.50am. She said: “A horse was cut free from a horsebox on Saturday morning. “It had caused a bit of mayhem along that road. The horsebox contained two horses but one had become stuck. “We left the scene as a vet checked over the animal.” The animal is not believed to have suffered any injuries in the incident.