Dundee Police warn Dundee Kingsway traffic “lengthy” due to Myrekirk Road congestion By Jake Keith August 9 2019, 5:03pm August 9 2019, 5:03pm Share Police warn Dundee Kingsway traffic “lengthy” due to Myrekirk Road congestion Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/news/dundee/954088/police-warn-dundee-kingsway-traffic-lengthy-due-to-myrekirk-road-congestion/ Copy Link Heavy traffic congestion in Charleston is causing long tailbacks on to the Kingsway at the Myrekirk Roundabout. The traffic is queued at the mini roundabout at the junction of South Road and Myrekirk Road, which is backed up all the way on to the Kingsway. Police say waits are “lengthy” and have advised drivers to avoid the area if possible until the situation is resolved.