Fife Trains cancelled and delayed due to Forth Bridge trespasser By Cheryl Peebles January 28 2017, 1:53pm January 28 2017, 1:53pm Share Trains cancelled and delayed due to Forth Bridge trespasser Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link Copy Link A person was on the line on the Forth Bridge Trains have been cancelled and delayed due to a trespasser on the Forth Bridge. A person was reported on the railway line over the bridge on Saturday morning. Travellers were warned at around 11.45am that several ScotRail train services between Edinburgh, Fife, Aberdeen and Inverness would be affected. A heavy police presence was reported at the scene. Trains were able to pass again around 12.15pm but disruption to services was expected to continue until around 2.30pm.