Fife Final Scottish ceremonies for the Duke of Edinburgh By Leeza Clark July 6 2017, 2:43pm July 6 2017, 2:43pm Share Final Scottish ceremonies for the Duke of Edinburgh Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link Copy Link The Duke of Edinburgh chats with BBC news presenter Catriona Shearer There was a poignancy to the Duke of Edinburgh gold awards ceremony on Thursday. As he prepares to bow out of public life, Prince Philip presided over his final presentations north of the border. For some young recipients, that fact made the day even more special. Four former High School of Dundee pupils had a lengthy discussion with the Duke, who founded the awards scheme back in 1956. The Duke of Edinburgh They were among hundreds of young men and women from across the UK who converged on the palace for the final awards ceremonies. In all, the awards develops more than 400,000 young people for life and work every year in the UK. Since it was founded more than six million people have taken part and t is now being delivered in nearly 11,000 centres. For full coverage and more photos, see Friday’s Courier