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Perth sports groups unite in protest against plans for Bell’s Sports Centre

The 12 sports bodies want the facility to be reinstated to its pre-flooding condition.

Sports groups protesting outside Bell's. Image: Steve Brown/DC Thomson
Sports groups protesting outside Bell's. Image: Steve Brown/DC Thomson

Sports clubs in Perth have united in protest against the council’s plans for Bell’s Sports Centre.

Perth and Kinross Community Sports Network, which represents a dozen sports in the area, believe the popular facility should be returned to its previous condition.

Councillors shut down Bell’s forever last August because of flood damage incurred after the local authority forgot to close flood gates during a storm.

Councillor Andy Chan, David Munro, Ian Innes and Councillor Frank Smith protesting outside Bell’s. Image: Steve Brown/DC Thomson

However, the council has since U-turned on that decision after belatedly realising Scottish Water planned on carrying out £2m improvement works in the area.

The local authority has now put forward a consultation suggesting Bell’s could be turned into an unheated indoor events space with pitches.

The Community Sports Network has asked why returning Bell’s to its former use was not part of the public consultation.

Loss of Bell’s an ‘unmitigated disaster’

Last week, The Courier revealed opinion is divided on the future of Bell’s with the public vote split 60% in favour of the unheated event space and 40% against it.

However, the network of indoor sports clubs say they were never asked for their input into any decision.

The facility was shut without consultation and the subsequent public survey put forward by the council suggested a new single use, again without consulting the clubs.

The sports community have now compiled their own 15-page report and submitted it to Perth and Kinross Council outlining why Bell’s should be retained for indoor sports.

David Munro outside Bells Sports Centre. Image: Steve Brown/DC Thomson

In the report, Community Sport Network chairman David Munro wrote: “The closure of Bell’s Sport Centre has been an unmitigated disaster for local indoor sport and the failure of consultation has done nothing to give the public confidence that the council is listening to them.

“The sporting community has never sought any updated facilities because Bell’s and the coaching hall have always met their needs.

“Given the choice they would prefer a return to what they had before the closures.”

Before it was flooded, Bell’s had numerous heated indoor courts with changing rooms and other facilities capable of hosting large scale national competitions.

What Perth and Kinross Council says

Perth and Kinross Council say they will include the 15-page report as part of the feedback to their consultation.

A spokesperson for the local authority said: “We will be considering the Community Sports Network submission as part of the consultation responses that will inform a paper to go before councillors on the future use of Bell’s Sports Centre later this year.

“Following the council’s decision in January 2024 to consolidate leisure activities in one site, the public consultation focused on the most sustainable options for Bell’s Sports Centre.

“We received 1,981 responses, with 60% of those in favour of using the space to create an unheated events space for indoor sports pitches.”
