Angus in bid to net a chunk of £1 billion City Deal
ByRichard Watt
Angus Council has sealed its end of a deal to attract a “significant” share of £1 billion in investment for the county.
The concept of City Deals to share infrastructure and rebate benefits between neighbouring cities began in 2011, with one such deal expected to provide Glasgow with £1.13 billion from the UK and Scottish governments.
Local authorities across Tayside and Fife are about to lodge their own bid on a “very tight timescale”.
And Angus has held up its end of the bargain with a £125,000 contribution rubber-stamped by councillors.
The council’s chief executive, Richard Stiff, told a meeting of the full council: “We can now move towards securing significant investment in the long term for the Tayside area.”
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Angus in bid to net a chunk of £1 billion City Deal