Council tenants in Fife assured rent rise will be worth it
ByMichael Alexander
RENTs FOR council tenants are set to increase by 3.3% after the move was supported by almost half of tenants themselves.
The rent increase was supported by 49% of people who responded to the tenants’ survey and was also unanimously backed at the Annual Tenants’ Conference last December.
Now, it is claimed the increase will help fund improvements.
Councillor Judy Hamilton, executive spokesperson for housing and building services, said: “The agreed rent increase will help us meet our target of 2,700 affordable new homes and continue improving the quality of our existing housing, making them warmer, drier and healthier.
“Fife is the highest investing local authority in Scotland and we’re very proud of that.
“We’re committed to meeting the needs of this and future generations of tenants. Having the support of our tenants is critical to continuing with the improvement in housing services.”
John Mills, head of housing, added: “Our tenants are at the heart of what we do and what we aim to do in ensuring that the housing service strives to be the best in Scotland.
“The rent increase will help us to improve key services with greater tenants’ influence.”
Council tenants in Fife assured rent rise will be worth it