Dundee couple accused of pushing man down stairs after racially abusing him By Jon Brady March 25 2020, 1:15pm March 25 2020, 1:15pm Share Dundee couple accused of pushing man down stairs after racially abusing him Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/news/courts/2549963/011fe2403tea_story__1/ Copy Link A couple have denied claims they pushed a man down a set of stairs after racially abusing him. Ellen Tanbini and Murray Hanlon, both of Hepburn Street, allegedly attacked the man in their flat block on March 17. It is alleged that the pair seized the man’s neck and pushed him on the body, causing him to fall down a set of stairs. They are both accused of making racial remarks towards the man as well as threatening him with violence. Tanbini, 39, and Hanlon, 38, pleaded not guilty and had a trial fixed for July. This article originally appeared on the Evening Telegraph website. For more information, read about our new combined website.