A community leader has claimed it’s only a matter of time before a cyclist is killed on a “dangerously uneven” bridge in rural Angus.
Gus Leighton, from Inveresk Community Council, says he has been trying to improve the Margie Bridge for 18 months but has gotten nowhere.
The Menmuir to Edzell link is popular with cyclists and is on the final stretch of the annual Cairn O’ Mount cycling event.
Angus Council say the need for signage has been identified after a cyclist was injured but that resurfacing would not be undertaken.
Mr Leighton said: “The council maintain road users are responsible for driving or cycling to the prevailing road conditions.
“They say that they intend to put up a traffic sign but I don’t think there is a sign in the Highway Code which says ‘Danger of Death! Cycle over this bridge at your own peril’.”
He added: “It’s a dangerously uneven surface which, despite several accidents, Angus Council refuse to acknowledge as being unsafe, especially for cyclists heading towards Edzell.
“In this direction the bridge is in a dangerous location for a cyclist.
“As the cyclist comes to the bottom of a steep hill, travelling in excess of 20mph, they enter the shadow of the trees around the bridge.
“There is a right-hand bend immediately after the bridge, so they cannot tell if there might be oncoming traffic.
“On top of that, they are unable to properly assess the road surface ahead of them on a bright day as they move from sunlight into shadow.”
Upgrade ‘not part of immediate works programme’
Angus North and Mearns SNP MSP Mairi Gougeon has also written to the council to press the need for an upgrade to the C34 bridge, which passes over the Margie Burn.
An Angus Council spokesman said: “Surveys have been carried out at Margie Burn following a report of a cyclist falling and injuring themself.
“A need for additional warning signage was identified and agreed and should provide road users with additional warning on the road characteristics when driving or cycling according to the road conditions, which is the individual’s responsibility.
“Surfacing works are not a part of our current and immediate works programme.
“Inveresk Community Council and the local MSP have all been advised accordingly.”