Perth waiter made ‘disastrous’ decision to get behind wheel after drinking alcohol By Kirsty McIntosh December 21 2019, 8:45am December 21 2019, 8:45am Share Perth waiter made ‘disastrous’ decision to get behind wheel after drinking alcohol Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link Copy Link Perth Sheriff Court. A waiter who got behind the wheel while more than three times the drink-drive limit has been fined £1,000. Gonzalo Fernandez had been on a night out and had booked a hotel, but found he did not have his wallet to pay for his stay. He then made the “disastrous” decision to drive home. His car was pulled over by police in Perth who smelt alcohol on his breath. The 25-year-old, of Ballantyne Place, Perth, was banned from the roads following an appearance at Perth Sheriff Court. He admitted driving with 76mics of alcohol in his system on September 16. The legal limit is 22. Sheriff Craig McSherry fined him £1,000 and disqualified him from driving for 12 months.