Almost 80 new homes could be built in West Fife if councillors give the green light to a major planning application.
Land Regeneration and Development Ltd, which specialises in land remediation, reclamation and restoration, has applied to Fife Council for planning permission in principle for a residential development to the east of South Avenue in Blairhall.
A master plan and transport statement has also been submitted to the local authority in support of the application, which indicates the 2.6-hectare site could incorporate up to 77 houses.
Because the site exceeds the two-hectare threshold, as defined in the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Regulations (2009), the proposal is classed as a major application.
In a report on the application, Fife Council planner James Wright said: “The current application for planning permission in principle on this site for residential development of this site is in accordance with the site’s allocation in the Adopted Local Plan.
“In the circumstances, it is considered appropriate to support the proposals subject to conditions.
“It is considered essential that this site is delivered to exemplary urban design standards to allow any consequent development to assimilate happily with both the existing village and the surrounding countryside, while protecting the existing woodland and tree belt where at all possible to maintain the site’s identity.”
Members of the west planning committee have been recommended to approve the application when they meet at Dunfermline’s City Chambers on Wednesday, subject to the conclusion of a legal agreement being drawn up stipulating an education contribution of £2,400 per mainstream dwelling unit across the site, an on-site contribution of 25% affordable housing across the site and a funding strategy to provide funding for the remediation of the nearby Comrie Colliery.
Approval would also be subject to a number of other issues, including transportation, design, residential amenity, ecology, drainage and flooding and sustainability.