Only nine of the 89 staff affected by the closure of Police Scotland’s service centre and control room in Fife are to transfer to Edinburgh.
From Tuesday all 999 and non-emergency calls to police from Fife will be answered in the new command centre for east Scotland at Bilston Glen.
During consultation on their posts, staff in Glenrothes were given the choice of moving to the new centre or elsewhere in the force.
But it has been confirmed that 66 have taken voluntary redundancy or early retirement and only a handful will shift across the Forth. Seven will take up equivalent posts in Dundee and 14 are to be redeployed within Fife.
More than 100 are employed in Fife’s service centre and control room and 12 service centre administrator posts will remain in the region.
Inspector Jill Harper, who is managing the transfer, said: “We would have hoped to have retained more staff but without compelling people to move we would not have achieved that, and that would have been unfair.”
Concerns were voiced during Thursday’s meeting of the Fife Council safer communities committee that almost 70% of the workers had been lost and that working mothers in particular had been penalised.
Mrs Harper said the contact centre had a higher proportion of working mothers and part-time staff than other areas of the force and recognised that travelling to Bilston Glen would be a challenge for many.
One employee who agreed to transfer to Edinburgh pulled out after falling pregnant.
Mrs Harper said: “The increase in travel time was a key concern and, as a working mum, I absolutely get that. The consultation was undertaken in the most positive manner possible.
“Unison was very positive about the way we conducted ourselves and the outcomes for staff.
“There are staff who have gone on early retirement, which has been a reasonably attractive financial proposition.”
Fife Division Chief Inspector Garry McEwan said part-time workers and working mothers are important to the force and said: “We want to retain their skills and give them valuable roles.
“We are working hard to try to accommodate these experienced staff.”
Six of the 14 staff who requested redeployment have already been found alternative posts.