RHS 2015: Ariadne takes Goat title south of Border
ByEwan Pate
Kid champion Rogerian Flickka
The overall goat championship went south of the border with Mrs Valerie Wood, Loud Farm, Stanley, Co Durham taking top honours.
Her four-year-old British milker Treval Ariadne is by Treval Zohan and out of Treval Arabesque Ariadne and kidded in March.
Judge Colin Newton, Spennymoor, then placed Northern Ireland exhibitor Marcus Galbraith in reserve with his AOV milker Boghill Daisy.
This four-year-old is by Churchview Artotuffun and out of Boghill Jasmin. She was also a March kidder.
Agnes Aitken, Hillberry, Stonehaven, had a good Highland collecting the Pygmy Goat championship and the award for the best kid in the show. Her Pygmy was the two-year-old brown and white Hillrun Ffion by Elcho Papa.
Mrs Aitken’s kid champion was her mid-March born female Rogerian Flickka.
A British Alpine, Rogerian Flickka is by Rogerian Condor and out of Rogerian Emma.