Dundee man admits possession of heroin By Sheanne Mulholland February 8 2017, 6:00am February 8 2017, 6:00am Share Dundee man admits possession of heroin Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/news/dundee/2575310/man-admits-possession-class-drugs/ Copy Link John Jackson, 51, of Dens Road, was placed on a curfew at Dundee Sheriff Court after admitting drug possession. Jackson admitted having heroin in his possession at his home address on July 5 last year. The court heard he had 0.85g of the Class A drug, with a value of £180. Jackson was placed on a four-month curfew, confining him to his home address between 7pm and 7am daily. This article originally appeared on the Evening Telegraph website. For more information, read about our new combined website.