Prime Minister David Cameron has been accused of declaring he didn't care about Scotland.
Fife has been given a double jobs and defence boost by David Cameron.
The Prime Minister announced an £859 million investment in the next generation of Royal Navy frigates and allayed fears parts of the Leuchars army base will be sold off.
Defence Secretary Michael Fallon previously said the MoD must prepare to sell off airfields, old barracks and military vehicles to help keep the forces “fighting fit”.
In an interview with The Courier at the Scottish Conservative Party Conference in Edinburgh, Mr Cameron insisted “we can afford what we have got”.
On shipbuilding, Rolls Royce in Dunfermline has been given the contract for stabilisers and steering gear for the project, whilst contractor BAE Systems also has a base in Rosyth.
The Prime Minister said: “What was happening today was the demonstration stage, a commitment of almost £900 million is putting some of those long-term contracts for things like generators and valves and shafts and things that have long lead time.
“I think it will have a very positive effect on Scotland.”