A concerned daughter has hit out at NHS Fife’s “lack of dignity” in treating her elderly mother.
The woman, who did not wish her family to be named, claimed the NHS is crumbling after she watched her beloved mother go from being fairly independent and active to needing round-the-clock care.
While she accepts her mother had health issues, she said the deterioration in the 88-year-old was shocking.
“She has health problems but was quite independent, going to restaurants and shopping until last November,” her daughter said.
That was when the pensioner had taken a fall and was admitted to the Victoria Hospital in Kirkcaldy, where it was discovered she he had fractured her pelvis.
Her daughter said she has gone downhill rapidly, mentally and physically, since then.
The elderly patient was moved to the Cameron Hospital, Windygates, about four weeks later.
The family had anticipated her going to the home she shares with her husband after four or five weeks.
However, now she will need 24-hour care in a home, her daughter said. Since she has been in the Cameron Hospital, she has had a fall and is now incontinent.
Her daughter is asking how this deterioration could happen so quickly. She is concerned at a lack of dignity shown in her care and says there simply is not enough staff to respond to all the patients.
Her daughter added there seemed to be a lack of care, even in small things such as ensuring she is dressed properly.
“There is a lack of dignity in her care,” she said. “Everyone is suffering. The patients and nurses are suffering through a lack of resources.
“I have no ill will against any actual staff I believe most of them are actually doing the best they can with a cheerful face but the NHS is crumbling.
“I am angry. I just feel people need to stand up and be held accountable because I am not happy with the way NHS Fife has looked after my mother.
“She deserves a lot better. I think she could have had a bit more attention. Whose fault is that? What’s wrong with the system?
“She was pottering about and doing things and, in a few short weeks, she is needing 24-hour nursing care. There needs to be a massive rethink on the services for the elderly.”
General manager at NHS Fife Mary Porter said: “NHS Fife is unable to comment on the care of individual patients.
“However, we would always encourage patients and their families to raise any concerns with our dedicated patient relations team.
“This health board is committed to providing the best possible care to everyone who requires its services and, as such, we take any reports that care may have fallen short very seriously.”