Health workers have hailed the collaborative work being carried out in Perth and Kinross to help those suffering from mental health problems.
The suicide rate in the region has dropped below the national average as the council has focused on developing preventative measures.
From 2004 to 2008 the rate of completed suicides was above the national average, standing at 16 per 100,000 of the population, compared to 15.9 across Scotland. But this has fallen to 10.7 for the period 2009-2013, compared to 14.5 across Scotland.
The number of emergency detention certificates issued in Perth and Kinross has also declined from 57 in 2012 to 56 in 2013 and down to 46 in 2014.
In a report to the housing and health committee, housing and community care executive director John Walker said: “There has been considerable partnership work in the area of suicide prevention and in responding to people in a mental health crisis or emotional distress. At a time of economic instability and shrinking budgets, the provision of funding for this area of work has been purposefully increased.”
The report stated that being able to get emotional support quickly and in a suitable environment has considerable benefits for vulnerable young people. To meet this need, the community mental health team and youth services collaborate to deliver services at City Base and provide a tailored package of support.
Since April 2014, a community support worker works two days a week at City Base with people aged 16 to 25, seeing, on average, five young people per week.
The head of adult mental health services (Perth and Kinross) at NHS Tayside, Grace Gilling, said: “Police and Perth and Kinross Council work to produce an annual analysis on the response by police to calls from people who self-harm, have suicidal thoughts or attempt suicide, and review completed suicides.
“This information is extremely helpful in flagging up where there may be issues, and shapes ongoing suicide prevention work, which is coordinated via the Perth and Kinross Joint Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy steering group.”