Glenrothes death: Woman found in car named as police investigation extends to house By Neil Henderson and Alasdair Clark August 10 2021, 1:39pm August 10 2021, 1:39pm Share Glenrothes death: Woman found in car named as police investigation extends to house Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link Copy Link Jane Fitzpatrick. A woman found dead inside a car in Glenrothes has been named locally as Jane Fitzpatrick. Police are continuing to investigate Ms Fitzpatrick’s death after her body was found inside the vehicle near Cable Road on Monday. A relative confirmed it was Ms Fitzpatrick that was discovered in the vehicle, but the cause of her death remains unclear. Forensics officers at the scene of the death on Monday. A spokeswoman for Police Scotland said: “Inquiries are continuing into the unexplained death of a woman in Glenrothes. “A post mortem examination will be carried out to establish the circumstances of the death. “No arrests have been made.” A police car parked near Cable Road close to the area that was cordoned off. Officers were called to the area near Glenrothes Recycling Centre at around 9am. Parts of Stenton Road and Cable Road were sealed off for much of the day but were reopened by Tuesday morning. Meanwhile police have also been carrying out inquiries at a house on South Street West in Leslie. Officers on South Street West in Leslie on Monday. The force has confirmed the activity there was in connection with this investigation. A resident in the area said: “It’s very sad for everyone locally to hear someone has died in these circumstances, I know we all feel for her family. “I hope they get the answers they need about what happened.”