Childcare hubs will operate in each town in Angus and in Sidlaw from Thursday 26 March.
Angus Council has said the hubs will cater for children of families where either both parents are registered category 1 key workers, or if a single parents is a category 1 keyworker, and all other childcare options have been exhausted.
Children where the family has been contacted previously by their usual school to say that they can continue to attend schooling should also attend, the council has said.
Angus schools will remain closed to the majority of pupils.
Category 1 workers are predominantly health and care workers directly supporting the coronavirus response or life-threatening emergency work.
The council statement said eligible parents will have filled out a key worker application form.
It read: “The children listed above are the only children who should attend the hub locations.
“Staff at the hub will have a list of the details of all those who fall into the categories above and will be staffed accordingly.
“If you have completed a key worker application form, and you fall out with the categories listed above then please do not take your child to the hub location as your child will not be able to be accommodated at this point.
“Further communication will be shared as soon as possible regarding the places for children from families in other key worker categories who have exhausted all other childcare options.”
A full list of hubs, including more information on which children are eligible to attend, is available on the council’s website.