The newly refurbished Harris Academy opened its doors to excited first year pupils on Friday morning.
Anxious parents waved their children off at the school gates, with pupils being met by the rector Mr Millar and a team of prefects on hand to make sure no-one got lost.
One mother, Inga, said her daughter had been cheering all morning in anticipation of her first day.
She said: “My daughter has been pretty much screaming all morning in excitement at starting at the new school.
“I hope she will be as happy when she comes home.
“It is quite scary, she was a primary school child at the start of the summer and now she is at high school. She will be travelling on the bus in future, rather than being dropped off at the gates by me.”
First, fourth, fifth and sixth years’ all made their way in to the school on Friday, with second and third years’ joining them on Monday.
School headteacher, Barry Millar, said the staggered start to the term was working well in helping the pupils settle.
This is also the first term where all pupils from the former Menzieshill High School were enrolled as Harris pupils.
Mr Millar said: “The staggered start has really helped pupils get used to the new building.
“We have had over 80 prefects out at the gates, directing new pupils to the correct areas of the school and helping them with any queries they might have had.
“They have done a fantastic job helping everyone settle in.
“First days of school are always days of mixed emotions for parents, which is why we have teachers and prefects out to reassure the younger pupils and make them feel welcome.
“We are expecting 1300 pupils over the year, but this number can fluctuate at the start of the year while fifth and sixth years’ sort out what they want to do.
“There are no issues with space at the new school. There is no issue with classroom space whatsoever.”
Bill Lees also had his first day back at the refurbished Harris.
Bill is a School Crossing Patroller, commonly referred to as a lollipop man, and was happy to be back at his post.
He said: “It is good to be back, seeing all of the excited faces make their way to school. The new building is lovely, but this section of the Perth Road is always very busy, which will keep me busy.”