The case against a man accused of chopping off a disabled Charleston woman’s hand in a brutal Valentine’s day attack has been continued again.
Stephen Brisbane is alleged to have carried out the attack in the early hours of February 14, severing pensioner Sandra McGowan’s hand from her wrist and stealing items from her house.
The 33-year-old appeared at the High Court in Glasgow for a further preliminary hearing on Wednesday morning.
The court was told additional reports required to progress the case would not be available until December 10 at the earliest.
Mrs McGowan is said to have passed out from the pain of the attack, which the Crown accuses Brisbane of committing in her sheltered accommodation on South Road.
As well as being charged with committing the amputation, Brisbane has been accused of the ancient Scots law crime of Hamesucken — attacking someone in their own home.
Defence counsel Mark Stewart QC said: “Your lordship will see from the papers there is a long history to this case.
“My client is anxious this matter is resolved in as rapid a progress as possible. There is a requirement for further psychiatric reports to be prepared for the court.
“It is my understanding the reports could be prepared for December 10 at the earliest and would seek a further extension to the time bar.”
Brisbane is accused of entering Ms McGowan’s home, demanding drugs and money from her, searching her handbag and purse, stealing an electronic door fob, remote controls and a mobile phone holder.
He is further accused of assaulting the pensioner, causing her to fall from her wheelchair, seizing hold of her wrist and severing her hand with a knife, causing her to lose consciousness.
Prosecutors claim Brisbane then took the hand away, robbed Miss McGowan of a ring and failed to seek medical assistance for her.
He is also accused of threatening his sister with violence at an address in Dundee, demanding her mobile phone and stealing a phone.
The case was continued for a further preliminary hearing, scheduled for Friday December 14 at the High Court in Glasgow.