Fife Jail for Fife man who had knife during hostel scuffle By Craig Smith January 13 2021, 8:50am January 13 2021, 8:50am Share Jail for Fife man who had knife during hostel scuffle Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link Copy Link Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court annexe. A Fife dad has been jailed after police officers called to investigate a scuffle between him and another man found he was carrying a knife. Keith Turner, 30, of the James Bank Hostel in Dunfermline, admitted being in possession of the weapon on August 30 last year. Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court heard Turner had been involved in a fight with another man at around 7pm when police were called. Turner had left the hostel following the disturbance, but returned at around 7.40pm where he was questioned and searched. The officers found a four-inch long kitchen knife with no handle in his possession, and he was taken into custody. Turner’s solicitor Scott McKenzie said his client had told the police he had the knife before they searched him. “The James Bank Hostel isn’t particularly well kitted out and it was something he used for cooking,” he added. He said Turner had four children and wanted to have a “clean slate” when he is released from prison. Sheriff James Williamson sentenced Turner, who has a string of previous convictions, to 16 months’ imprisonment.