Controversial plans for a new gospel church in Bridge of Earn are set to go ahead despite flooding concerns from the local community.
Perth Gospel Trust are seeking approval for a new place of worship for up to 40 people in the Perthshire town after having plans for a new site in Kinfauns rejected earlier this year.
The trust, which is affiliated with the global Plymouth Brethren Christian Church, already has a hall for up to 800 worshippers in Bridge of Earn.
The group applied for permission to build both the Kinfauns and second Bridge of Earn churches within a three-month period last year.
Council planners want to allow the new church but worried residents are concerned any new development will lead to an increased risk of flooding in the area beside Old Edinburgh Road.
In her objection letter, Dr Ruth Johnson said: “There is no doubt it will exacerbate the flooding that already occurs regularly in the area.
“The plans clearly indicate that the surface water run off from this development would be towards the exact area of Old Edinburgh Road which has flooded on numerous occasions over the last five years.
“Two properties have been flooded and others indirectly affected during these events causing considerable disruption and distress to the residents.”
Neighbour David Mackay argued his land is already prone to flooding and he had not been approached by members of the church group despite concerns escape access from the flood site would go through his property.
Despite numerous objections from residents, planning officers claim the new church will not increase flooding in the area.
In its report, the local authority said: “There have been a number of objections with regard to flooding issues.
“It is suggested by objectors that the drainage will increase flood risk to the road and other properties.
“However following extensive investigation and the fact that the road and parking areas will be permeable to allow water to infiltrate directly into the soil it is not anticipated that any surface water will flow onto Old Edinburgh Road.
“It is also noted that the building will be constructed above the flood plain. Therefore, there is no increase in flood risk to local residents.”
The plans will next go before elected members for a decision.