One-way travel and traffic calming measures are to be brought in on a busy Arbroath street branded a “catastrophe” waiting to happen.
The move follows unanimous local support from those who responded to a consultation on the one-way plan for Hayswell Road, with almost three quarters of the feedback also favouring the installation of speed cushions.
Under the plan rubber-stamped by members of Angus Council’s communities committee, traffic will be directed one-way from Hayshead Road to Culloden Terrace.
The 23 completed responses to the consultation represented a 57.5% return, with 100% being in favour of the one-way system. Traffic calming received 70% support.
Roads boss Walter Scott said: “The proposed use of speed cushions are not considered to introduce physical restrictions to parking.
“The introduction of the one-way system may increase slightly the available road space for parking as the previous need for parked cars to allow passing places would no longer be required.”
One local respondent said: “We agree wholeheartedly. Speed of traffic is a major concern to us and we feel it is only time before a major accident occurs.
“It is hazardous trying to get in and out of our car on the street side due to the volume and speed of traffic on the street.”
The resident said everything delivery vans and HGVs regularly squeezed up the narrow street, with cars parked both sides, often because they have been directed that way by satellite navigation systems.
“Several wing mirrors have been knocked off stationary cars due to traffic squeezing past,” they added.
“Waiting to turn into Hayswell Road at the junction on Culloden Terrace can be a nightmare too with traffic squeezing past the side of the car.”
Arbroath Independent councillor Lois Speed said: “Residents really do feel that something has to be done along this stretch.
“Making it one way but without the speed calming, the issues would still be there.
“It is quite a hazardous area, the junctions are bringing traffic together and the calming would take away the prospect of the road being used by speeding traffic,” she added.
The total cost of the one-way and traffic calming project will be in the region of £17,000.