A “safe corridor” could be created along Broughty Ferry’s busiest school route after persistent problems with “inconsiderate” parking.
Transport bosses at Dundee City Council are looking at a number of options including installing more pedestrian crossings and traffic lights from Ferryfields north of the A92 Arbroath Road, past Forthill Primary School, to Grove Academy and Eastern Primary School.
It is hoped this will make the streets safer for children by encouraging parents to let them walk instead of driving them to school.
It would ease the pressure on areas around schools such as Forthill, were “inconsiderate” parking by some parents has been a “growing and persistent” problem.
The proposals were discussed at a meeting at Forthill Primary School where the head teacher, parents, Police Scotland, the head of transportation of Dundee City Council and Ferry councillor Craig Duncan were present.
Mr Duncan said: “I attended a site visit which I had called for to consider how best to deal with the growing and persistent traffic problems around Forthill Primary School.
“We saw several examples of inconsiderate actions by some motorists in the immediate vicinity of the school.
“We are all agreed that pupil safety is vitally important and that further measures need to be put place to alleviate traffic pressures around the busiest drop off and pick up times of the school day.
“There needs to be a joined-up approach, so that we’re not moving the problem from one area to the next.
“In the longer term, the aim is to have a ‘safe corridor’ around the busiest routes where pupils are likely to walk.
“We can’t ban parents driving their children to school but if we make the area safer to walk in then they might be encouraged to take that option.
“The transport team will be looking at all options available such as double yellow lines, extra crossings and traffic lights.”
Mr Duncan explained no concrete plans were in place yet and that another meeting would be held in February to discuss the options.
Parent Paige Torfs, who has a seven-year-old boy at the school, said that walking was not an option for everybody.
She explained: “The whole situation is crazy, there is nowhere for people to park.
“I usually park abut three streets away.
“I finish work at 3pm and have to pick up my son at 3.15pm, so walking isn’t an option as it would take me around 45 minutes to walk from work.
“I don’t really know what the solution is – maybe create a designated drop off point somewhere?”