Courts Arrests after laptop computers stolen from Fife school By Aileen Robertson November 28 2016, 10:43am November 28 2016, 10:43am Share Arrests after laptop computers stolen from Fife school Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link Copy Link Pitcoudie Primary School. Image: DC Thomson Two men have been arrested following the theft of nine laptop computers from a school in Glenrothes. The pair, aged 22 and 24, are expected to appear at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court on Monday in relation to the theft from Pitcoudie Primary School. The computers worth £8,000 were taken from the school in Iona Park on Sunday November 20. Local parents have called for security measures to be stepped up at Pitcoudie. Just days before the laptops were stolen, the school’s community garden had been targeted by vandals. Planters and two benches including a memorial to pupil Logan Carrie, who was killed crossing the A92 last year, were destroyed.