Fifers have been urged not to get caught out when clearing out as changes at the region’s recycling centres come into force.
From April 2, there will be new opening times for Fife’s recycling centres and most will close for two days a week to try and cut costs.
The new arrangements, which were agreed by councillors at the environment, protective services and community safety committee in January, have been put in place to try and create a more efficient service at the Kingdom’s 11 household waste recycling sites.
Most of the centres will be shut for up to two days per week and during lunchtimes, although Fife Council has stressed that lunchtimes and closing days have been co-ordinated to make sure that where one centre is closed the next nearest centre will be open.
Committee convener Councillor Ross Vettraino said: “Fifers have shown that they are keen recyclers and recycling rates in Fife have always been higher than the national average.
“Reduced budgets mean difficult decisions have to be made and more has to be done with less.
“Kerbside recycling has meant that recycling centres are not as busy as they used to be, particularly during the week, so it makes sense to reduce the opening hours.
“Co-ordinating the opening times by geographical area means that the next nearest centre will always be open when the local centre is closed.
“If the next nearest centre is too far away, however, then the simple things to do is to wait until the next day or until the weekend. “
The two recycling centres located at the landfill sites in Dunfermline and Ladybank will not be affected by the changes and will remain open seven days a week and over the lunchtime period.
However, the other nine sites will be part of the new regime coming into effect a fortnight on Monday.
Cowdenbeath and Cupar will be closed Monday and Thursday and Dalgety Bay will be closed Wednesday and Friday, while Lochgelly and St Andrews will be shut on Tuesday and Friday.
Pittenweem is the other site closing for two days a week, namely on Monday and Wednesday.
Kirkcaldy will be closed on Tuesdays, Glenrothes shut on Wednesdays and Methil closed on Thursdays.
As for lunchtime closures, St Andrews, Cowdenbeath and Kirkcaldy will close for lunch between 12:45pm and 1.30pm, while all other sites will close between 12 noon and 12.45pm.