The council are set to take action to improve road safety following claims of “indiscriminate” parking near a Perth school.
Staff at Craigie Primary and some local residents have raised concerns with the local authority following recent incidents of vehicles blocking kerbs and preventing school crossing patrollers from helping children cross streets in the area.
As a result, council chiefs look set to extend double yellow parking lines in Abbot Street, Wilson Street and Young Street in the Craigie area of the city.
A report drawn up by Charles Haggart, Perth and Kinross Council’s traffic and network manager, recommends approving the plan to vary traffic regulation orders in these streets.
His report says: “This report outlines concerns raised by residents of Abbot Street, Perth, due to indiscriminate parking.
“Abbot Street is predominately a residential street with Craigie Primary School located half way along its length. As a result, it is a busy road with high volumes of pedestrians at school times.”
His report adds: “Concerns have been raised from Craigie Primary School that vehicles are parking in a manner that is blocking dropped kerbs. They are also preventing the school crossing patrollers from safely assisting school children to cross both Wilson Street and Young Street.
“In order to alleviate the problems being experienced at this location, it is proposed to vary the Perth traffic management order to introduce additional ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ waiting restrictions on Abbot Street, Wilson Street and Young Street.
“Consultation has been carried out with local residents and members of the local community council, who were in agreement with the proposals.”
Mr Haggart’s report also states that the estimated cost for the road markings – £400 – will be funded from the council’s traffic and road network revenue account for the 2018/19 financial year.
Councillor Willie Wilson, a Liberal Democrat representative for the Perth City South ward, said the issue with road safety in the area had been “rightly raised” by Craigie Primary School.
“Abbot Street is exceptionally busy, particularly in the morning when school begins and in the afternoon when pupils are leaving,” he commented.
“The proposals drawn up for Perth and Kinross Council’s environment and infrastructure committee are designed to help improve road safety by providing better sightlines for school crossing patrollers.”
Members of the environment and infrastructure committee will discuss the matter on Wednesday.