North Angus residents who want a healthcare hub on their doorstep have been told to put their money where their mouth is.
People in Brechin, Edzell and the Glens have been warned part of their heritage is at stake if they don’t stump up to support the venture.
Brechin Healthcare Group (BHG) has submitted a community asset transfer (CAT) request to NHS Tayside to take over the massive Brechin Infirmary site which was deemed surplus to requirements in February 2018.
The aim is to develop a health and wellbeing hub for the community of Brechin, Edzell and the Glens, with “social prescribing” at its heart.
Activities and services would include supporting people with enduring mental health needs “in a safe and healthy space”.
However, concerns have been raised about the size of the site and its long-term maintenance.
The group made an application in July for a grant from the Scottish Land Fund (SLF) which included the valuation and survey costs of the site.
To resubmit its application in November, SLF wants the group to demonstrate further community support and conduct appropriate surveys to identify the value and costs for renovating the building.
Chairman Grahame Lockhart said: “The time is now for the people of Brechin, Edzell and the Glens to take ownership, once again, of the Brechin Infirmary site to develop it into a Health and Wellbeing Centre for the whole community.
“To do so we must put our money where our mouth is to demonstrate clearly that we support this exciting venture.
“If we don’t we will lose part of our heritage for generations to come.
“This is a major project and to demonstrate the community backing for the project we must raise the costs of the building surveys.
“The conditions survey will cost £5,100 including VAT and the mechanical and electrical survey will cost £5,100 including VAT.
“This exciting venture, ‘ticks all the right boxes’, for delivering health and social care for the 21st century, and will be the gold standard of future provision of health and social care for other communities and authorities around Scotland and beyond.
“With ownership of the site and in partnership with health professionals, public bodies, government agencies, third sector organisations, charities and local community groups the centre will provide the right kind of care in the right place to the right people at the right time.”
He said it will provide a wide range of exceptional care for all ages.
A crowdfunding page has now been set up which can be found on the Brechin Healthcare Group Facebook page.
Also, collecting boxes have been placed in a number of shops and cheques can be made payable to Brechin Healthcare Group.
“It’s sink or swim time for our community,” said Mr Lockhart.