A post box is just one of the improvements Dundee’s newest councillor hopes to deliver for residents and businesses in City Quay.
Lynne Short posted the first letter and hopes to now push on with making improvements that will benefit the growing community.
Key to the efforts will be the re-establishment of the defunct community council that once served the city centre and harbour area.
She hopes that body, perhaps rebranded to reflect the increasing presence of City Quay within Dundee, will give its hundreds of residents and range of businesses a voice for the first time.
Future work could then explore the introduction of a shop, changes to the area’s much maligned parking regulations and broadband improvements.
Having herself lived at City Quay for a number of years, Councillor Short said she was all too aware of the issues faced by residents.
“After a 16-year wait, I am pleased to be able to say that we finally have a post box for City Quay,” Ms Short said.
“It was something that has been missing for both residents and businesses for too long and would like to thank Stewart Hosie MP and the Royal Mail for helping me to make it happen.
“I have lived in City Quay for the past three years and a lot of the issues that the residents here are wrestling with are things that I have experienced.
“At present, the business and residential communities don’t really fit together and a lot of people are struggling to have their say.
“Much of what is already in place is aimed at landlords and not at the people who actually live in this community, which has grown from nowhere since 2000.
“I believe that by reintroducing the community council everyone can band together and gain more of a voice within the city.
“It will help them deal with issues such as the Unicorn, which as a resident is something that I know all about.
“I am looking to find 20 people who will be willing to sit on a committee and get things started so that we can improve the area for everyone.”
Anyone who is interested in helping to resurrect the community council can email lynne.short@dundeecity.gov.uk.