Dundee City Council has launched a new poster campaign against dog fouling amid complaints from residents living near a city park.
Large signs have appeared at the entrances to Baxter Park reminding dog owners to pick up after their pets.
However, local residents have called for tougher action, such as on-the-spot fines and more dog wardens to be deployed, in addition to the posters.
They claim the problem has got worse over the past year.
Joyce Devlin, who lives on Baxter Park Terrace, said: “I regularly have to phone environmental health to report dog fouling in the park and on the pavements in the surrounding streets.
“It’s a disgrace and totally disgusting. If I see someone not picking up I’ll ask them to do it as I like to stick up for the area. Most of the time they either ignore you or give you abuse.
“It’s not always the local residents doing it, I often see people driving in from other areas, letting their dog foul and then leaving it. I’ve noticed it happening more and more over the past year.”
“It’s good that the council has put up signs. However, I don’t think that will be enough to stop people. The only way some people will take notice is if they’re fined on the spot.
“The problem is there are just too few dog wardens covering a large area.”
A hairdresser who works at a salon on Baldovan Terrace added that she often has to pick up dog mess left in front of the door.
She said: “It’s horrible. You come in in the morning and you have to clean in front of the door so customers don’t step in it.
“People also let their dogs pee on our blackboard sign, which we’ve had to bring inside because of it.”
Kevin Cordell, convener of Dundee City Council’s neighbourhood services committee said the new posters were part of the Take Pride In Your City campaign.
He added: “Unfortunately the issue of dog fouling affects every community in the city and it is one we are constantly trying to re-educate the small minority of irresponsible owners about.
“More than 1300 dog waste bins are located across the city and we issue around four million free dog waste bags a year, meaning there really should be no excuse for leaving dog mess on the streets, parks and beaches.
“These signs are a reminder to dog owners to clean up after their pets and are part of the successful Take Pride in Your City Campaign.
“It is designed to persuade people to support positive behaviour and attitudes that will enhance Dundee’s already good green reputation.
“More information on Take Pride in Your City can be found at www.dundeecity.gov.uk/takepridedundee and the campaign can also be found on Twitter using #takepridedundee”.