Dundee Police probe report of three-year-old being assaulted in Dundee shopping centre By Scott Milne September 30 2019, 11:29am September 30 2019, 11:29am Share Police probe report of three-year-old being assaulted in Dundee shopping centre Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/news/dundee/989030/police-probe-report-of-three-year-old-being-assaulted-in-dundee-shopping-centre/ Copy Link The Overgate Shopping centre. Police are investigating reports that a three-year-old child was assaulted in a busy Dundee shopping centre last week. Officers are appealing for information on the incident, which happened at about 1.15pm on September 27 in the Overgate Centre. The incident happened near Millie’s Cookies, on the upper floor. The child was seen to be carried by a man described as being of Pakistani ethnicity when the incident happened. He was described as being of Asian appearance, about six foot tall and in his 30s. He was wearing a fleece burgundy body warmer and dark jeans. Witnesses described the child as being distressed by the incident, but unhurt. Anyone in the area at the time is asked to contact the police on 101.