A Montrose care worker who swore at two vulnerable service users has been handed a warning.
The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) found evidence that Karen Fraser swore at service users while carrying out personal care in their bedrooms.
She was found to have told one resident, “shut up, you c**t”, or words to that
effect, and told a second resident to “f*** off”, or words to that effect.
The regulator placed an 18-month warning on her registration as a result.
Fraser’s actions were carried out on a day in July 2023.
The SSSC report – which redacted details of Fraser’s place of work – said: “You swore at two service users when they presented with challenging behaviour.
Montrose carer ‘failed to react appropriately’
“You failed to react appropriately to AA and BB’s behaviour and your conduct had the potential to cause them emotional distress.
“Your conduct falls below the professional standards expected of a social services worker.”
It said that the incidents were isolated and occurred in the course of one morning.
The watchdog also said Fraser had been dealing with a situation that may have “hampered her ability to deal with the challenging situations she faced with the service users appropriately”.
The report added:Â “You had been working in care for eight years when the incidents occurred and you have continued to work in the sector without further incident since.
“However, you have not shown any remorse about the incidents, therefore, we cannot conclude there is no ongoing public protection risk.
“The behaviour amounts to an abuse of trust towards two vulnerable service users.”
The Courier’s latest care round-up includes a Perth worker who was struck off.