Drivers using the M90 Friarton Bridge face overnight diversions through Perth as contraflow works end.
A southbound carriageway closure is planned on Friday night between midnight and 6am on Saturday.
During the works, all traffic will be diverted through Perth city centre.
The exact route has not been confirmed.
It comes after lane closures caused disruption while Amey undertook safety works on the bridge after reports of concrete deterioration.
Drivers faced delays of up to half an hour during the contraflow.
Amey, on behalf of Transport Scotland, is now undertaking further tests to inform a program of future maintenance on the bridge.
So far during the works, a supplementary barrier system has been installed to provide extra protection to the bridge parapet.
An Amey spokesperson said: “Due to the urgency in assessing the issues we were unable to provide advanced notice of the necessary traffic management.
“We thank road users and the local community for their understanding while this work was undertaken and apologise for any delays which may have been experienced.
“Although there will be a requirement for further maintenance, the activities completed over this past week will allow us to maintain traffic flow in both directions.
“Any future work will be planned to minimise disruption to motorists as much as possible.”