Future funding for Auchterarder’s town bus has been thrown into doubt after plans for a new holiday park near Gleneagles were rejected.
Developer Anchorus Ltd had offered to pay for the service to run two days a week until 2028 if the project went ahead.
But Perth and Kinross councillors refused the planning application.
And now the Auchterarder Community Bus Group (ACBuG) will have to look elsewhere for the money.
Organisers say it’s “a significant blow”.
It comes after the timetable was reduced due to funding cuts.
Auchterarder town bus group spoke in favour of plans
Anchorus Ltd wanted to erect 68 cabins on farmland off the A823 road near Gleneagles Hotel.
It had pledged to part-fund the Auchterarder community bus service, as well as a new shuttle bus between the town and the hotel.
The planning application attracted 55 letters of support from locals.
And representatives from three Auchterarder groups spoke in favour of the project at the planning committee meeting.
They included Andrew Warrington of ACBuG.
But councillors went along with the advice of planners, who said the site wasn’t suitable for a holiday park, and refused the application.
Mr Warrington said the decision was “a significant blow to ACBuG and our efforts to achieve a sustainable future for the Auchterarder Town Bus Service”.
He added: “The four-year funding stream from Anchorus Ltd to ACBuG was dependent on them receiving planning approval for their holiday lodge development.
“ACBuG are, however, grateful to Anchorus Ltd for their positive engagement over the past year.
ACBuG will continue to seek additional funding for the Auchterarder Town Bus, with our next trustees board meeting scheduled for the second week in January 2025.”
Plans failed at third attempt
The proposed holiday park would have featured 68 timber cabins, with a manager’s residence, reception hub and EV charging points.
It was the third attempt to build on the site, half a mile to the west of Auchterarder.
A previous plan, for 122 lodges, was withdrawn in 2021.
Auchterarder’s sports hub and community council also made deputations in favour of the holiday park plan.
The Auchterarder community bus service is operated by local firm Docherty’s Midland Coaches.
It visits the Aytoun Hall, St Margaret’s Hospital and other locations in the town.
Residents protested when the service was cut from six days to two.
And there was relief when it was restored to three days late last year.