A developer has dropped affordable housing plans for an overgrown Forfar market garden site to bring forward a bid for eight luxury homes.
Edinburgh-based Cullross has twice pulled the plug on proposals for the land at Lour Road.
The site is a one-time nursery beside the former Beech Hill residential home.
It belonged to Angus Council but was put on the market several years ago.
In 2017, the council was offered ÂŁ350,000 for the 3.5 acre site. But the deal was dependent on planning permission and never concluded.
Cullross subsequently bought the land and in January 2023 submitted plans for 49 affordable homes.
But those drew a host of local objections.
There were concerns over possible flooding and wildlife habitat.
And objectors said there could be impact on mourners at Newmonthill cemetery adjacent to the site.
The scheme was withdrawn and Cullross later submitted a scaled back plan for 44 affordable houses. It said the new layout reflected community concerns.
In April this year it was also dropped.
Plan for detached luxury houses
The company has now completely changed its plans for the use of the site with an eight-home layout.
It features seven new-build four and five-bedroom detached houses.
Cullross say the latest bid answers concerns Angus Council had about the scale and density of the previous plans.
“By decreasing the number of units, we aim to create a more harmonious integration with the existing neighbourhood,” they say.
And the proposal includes the re-development of an existing house on the corner of the site into a four-bedroom property.
The entrance which serves Beech Hill Court sheltered housing would be used for access.
Angus planners will make a decision on the application in due course.