A teenage nursing student’s career is in tatters after he sexually assaulted a woman at student halls in Dundee.
Murray Urquhart’s future in the profession was described as “no longer viable” after he admitted attacking the woman in the city and was placed under supervision for six months.
Dundee Sheriff Court was previously told how the incident unfolded after a drunken night out.
Urquhart, 18, the woman and a friend returned to the dorm room in the early hours of the morning with Urquhart and his eventual victim “top to tail” on the floor.
Prosecutor Kate Scarborough said: “The accused pulled her towards him and kissed her.
“This was initially reciprocated but she pulled away and told the accused ‘no’.
“She turned away and he began to hold her.
“She pretended to be asleep at this time.”
Urquhart, however, placed his hands inside the woman’s top and groped her, before placing his hand under her pyjama bottoms.
She pushed his hand away and again said “no” before Urquhart apologised.
But he continued with his behaviour, again groping the woman and “forcibly” kissing her.
The woman later went to the bathroom and returned to find Urquhart “upset” and with his “head in his hands”.
The pair later slept next to each other and the woman confided in her friend about the sexual assault the next morning.
Urquhart would later say he had no recollection of the incident due to his state of intoxication.
He said via Snapchat: “Whatever I did, I wasn’t in the right place or state of mind and I want to take responsibility if you let me.”
Urquhart, of Bowhill, Cardenden, pled guilty to sexually assaulting the woman by kissing her on the mouth and touching her indecently under her clothing.
Solicitor Lee Qumsieh said his client had been hoping to pursue a career in nursing but this would not be taken forward due to the conviction.
He said: “He has no recollection of these events, his last memory is being in a takeaway.
“He accepts that he has acted in this way.
“This case is going to have significant consequences for him.”
Sheriff Mark O’Hanlon said: “I was minded to place you on a community payback order with unpaid work but that comes with a five-year notification requirement (registration as a sex offender).
“I do not think that’s appropriate in your case.”
Urquhart was placed on supervision for six months and will be on the Sex Offenders Register for the same period.
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