Forfar’s Reid Hall is to give up its role as a Covid vaccination centre.
It will see one of the biggest public halls in Angus return to public use after a year as a jag clinic.
But Angus Alive bosses are still searching for alternative venues to release Montrose Town Hall and Arbroath Community Centre.
Earlier this year, councillors agreed a plan which might have kept the three halls in the role until March 2023.
But there were concerns about the loss of the venues for public events for such a long period.
The leisure trust has struck a deal with NHS Tayside for rental of the three halls.
Although the figure has not been disclosed, Angus Alive said the loss of the three venues for public bookings was costing the charity around £50,000 a year in lost income.
Covid update to councillors
The Reid Hall’s return will be confirmed in a Covid update to Angus councillors on Thursday.
It has operated successfully for jag appointments and as a drop-in centre.
Council director Vivien Smith says the Montrose Road Centre in Forfar has been identified as a suitable alternative.
A changeover date has not yet been set.
“Timings of the transition from the Reid Hall to the Montrose Road Centre are currently being finalised,” the director added.
The council says it expects demand for the Reid Hall to pick up once it becomes available again.
It’s a popular venue for events like the town panto, weddings and dances.
But there’s a recognition some regular groups might never return.
“The majority of customer bookings for the Reid Hall require significant advance planning due to the nature of the events,” says Ms Smith.
“Bookings are consequently reserved well ahead of time to secure preferred dates.
“Previous regular bookings – on a weekly, monthly or annual basis – have already had to make alternative arrangements.
“It will take time for customers to switch back to the venue at the end of these agreements with other providers and some customers may choose to continue to use a different location.
“A number of events were however of a scale that no suitable alternative could be secured and there is expected to be strong demand for these bookings across the remainder of this financial year.”
Alternative venue for Forfar show
But the Reid Hall’s return has come too late for one of the big annual events there.
Forfar Flower Show is returning for 2022, but is going ahead at the Guide Hall in The Myre.
The local society said it was determined to bring the event back after two years’ away.
It will still be a two-day event at the end of August, but has been scaled back in size.
Montrose and Arbroath search continues
But the other big halls in Arbroath and Montrose will stay as Covid clinics for now.
“In Arbroath, two options have emerged with potential for vaccination centre use,” says Ms Smith.
“Both the venues have their respective merits and it is understood discussions between NHS Tayside and the building owners have commenced with a view to securing one of the venues.
“In Montrose, a number of venues have been considered but there are currently no feasible options identified.”