Several addresses in Angus owe tens of thousands of pounds in council tax, it has been revealed.
The tenants of one property in Arbroath have racked up council tax debts of more than £37,000 alone.
A Freedom of Information request from The Courier has also revealed the top 20 postcode areas where residents collectively owe the most council tax to the local authority.
Only the first four digits of each postcode are revealed in the data to protect the identities of individuals.
Five individual Angus addresses in most council tax debt
The highest amount owned by tenants of a single property in Angus is £37,503.
The property is in the DD8 2** postcode area, which covers much of Forfar.
The top five amounts owed by individual addresses in Angus are:
- DD8 2 (Forfar) – £37,503
- DD11 4 (Arbroath) – £25,240
- DD8 3 (Forfar) – £24,284
- DD9 7 (Brechin/Edzell) – £22,162
- DD9 6 (Brechin) – £21,072
List of top 20 postcodes where most council tax collectively owed
Meanwhile, residents in the DD11 1** postcode area – which covers parts of Arbroath – owe the most council tax collectively at £1,977,095.
The full list of postcode areas that collectively owe the most council tax is as follows:
- DD11 1 (Arbroath) – £1,977,095
- DD10 8 (Montrose) – £1,705,316
- DD8 1 (Forfar) – £1,272,432
- DD11 5 (Arbroath) – £1,248,987
- DD8 2 (Forfar) – £1,050,210
- DD10 9 (Montrose) – £953,219
- DD7 7 (Carnoustie) – £912,593
- DD9 7 (Brechin/Edzell) – £905,720
- DD11 4 (Arbroath) – £855,015
- DD8 3 (Forfar)– £767,819
- DD9 6 (Brechin) – £766,695
- DD11 3 (Arbroath)– £592,877
- DD5 4 (Monifieth) – £507,003
- DD8 4 (Kirriemuir) – £492,795
- DD11 2 (Arbroath) – £489,156
- DD8 5 (Kirriemuir) – £471,547
- DD7 6 (Carnoustie) – £240,447
- DD5 3 (Monifieth) – £196,415
- PH12 9 (Newtyle) – £180,251
- DD2 5 (Muirhead, Birkhill and Liff) – £162,702
What happens if you end up in council tax debt?
If anyone ends up in council tax debt, the local authority will issue reminder letters.
If the council tax arrears are not paid after two reminder letters, the council can:
- Add 10% to the amount owed
- Stop you being able to pay council tax in instalments
- Ask a sheriff officer to take the money owed from a person’s earnings or bank account
Free advice for Angus Council residents in debt
The local authority says it offers a range of ways to pay council tax including, reducing payments for a period to catch up later, and delaying payments until a later date.
It urges anyone struggling to pay their bills to get in touch as soon as possible to arrange a system of payment.
A spokesperson from Angus Council said: “Our welfare rights team provides a free, impartial, and confidential benefit and debt advice service to anyone living in Angus.
“There are a variety of ways Angus Council and other organisations can help those struggling with rising living costs.
“You can visit our website for more information.”
Data for other areas: