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Council boss who recommended closure of Bell’s Sports Centre in Perth steps down

David Littlejohn is leaving Perth and Kinross Council two months after writing a controversial report to shut the popular facility.

David Littlejohn standing on rooftop with Perth skyline behind
David Littlejohn. Image: DC Thomson

A senior council boss who recommended closing Bell’s Sports Centre in Perth is leaving the local authority.

The Courier can reveal David Littlejohn is stepping down just two months after he wrote a report outlining why the popular facility should be shut down.

The report sought to approve a request from Live Active Leisure – who run the council’s leisure facilities – to withdraw their services from the complex.

Following Mr Littlejohn’s recommendations, councillors agreed in May to close the North Inch complex despite a backlash from residents and sports clubs.

Bell’s Sports Centre. Image: Steve MacDougall/DC Thomson

In his report, the strategic lead for economy, planning and development, stated there would be “no immediate workforce implications” in shutting Bell’s before later admitting that jobs would be put at risk.

The controversial decision to close the centre was taken without consultation, a move which may have gone against the advice of independent advisors.

Plans regarding the future of Bell’s are expected be revealed this August, the same month it will shut entirely to the public.

David Littlejohn latest high-profile exit from Perth council

Mr Littlejohn is the latest senior council officer to step down from the local authority this year in a string of high-profile exits.

Among others, former head of housing and environment, Barbara Renton, and former head of culture and community services, Fiona Robertson, both left in March.

Fiona Robertson. Image: Kris Miller / DC Thomson

Ms Renton and Ms Robertson’s departures were part of a long-planned restructuring process to streamline the number of top executives.

The Courier understands that Mr Littlejohn’s exit is not part of that process.

The number of top level officers leaving the council has raised questions about timeline’s for the local authority’s large-scale projects.

Both Mr Littlejohn and Ms Robertson were major players in developing a new leisure centre for Perth – known as PH20 within the council.

Ms Robertson wrote the January report which put forward a plan that did not include any leisure swimming or ice rink facilities.

That plan was rejected by councillors with a new proposal set to come forward in August.

Departure won’t impact new plans

Perth and Kinross Council says Mr Littlejohn’s exit will have no impact on plans for the new facility coming forward again this summer.

Dewars Centre and Perth Leisure Pool.
Dewars Centre and Perth Leisure Pool. Image: Steve MacDougall/DC Thomson

Alison Williams, director of economy, place and learning, said: “David is retiring from the council from the end of September after more than 13 years’ service.

“We wish him all the very best for the future.

“He is not the lead for developing the revised business case for PH20, and while he is of course sharing his experience and knowledge, his departure will not impact on the revised business case coming back to council after the summer recess as agreed.”

The council wants to merge Perth Leisure Pool, Dewars Centre and Bell’s Leisure Centre into one complex.

The Courier is campaigning to Protect Perth Leisure and build the city the ambitious sports facility it deserves.
