It’s that time of year again! Entries are now open for The Courier Business Awards 2022, in association with Henderson Loggie.
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The Courier Business Awards celebrate the very best companies who operate in Dundee, Perth, Angus and Fife.
Every year we are blown away at how businesses in our area reach new heights of excellence.
Our annual awards ceremony at Apex City Quay Hotel in Dundee in October brings hundreds of business leaders together for a night to remember.
After another record year of entries in 2021, we’re excited to learn what Tayside and Fife businesses have achieved in the past 12 months.
Now it’s your chance to shine – submit an entry to The Courier Business Awards 2022 and join in the celebrations.
You can find out more about the awards here.
The Courier Business Awards 2022: Innovation
This award is sponsored by Research and Innovation Services University of Dundee.
The Innovation award is open to all companies who put innovation and continuous improvement at the heart of their business. Whether it be through teamwork, changes to systems, adopting or developing new products or services or pivoting strategy through the use of technology.
- Ability to show out of the box thinking, problem solving and empowering workforce
- Demonstrate game changing practices and efficiencies
- Proof of commercial benefits from innovative activities and practices
Entries close at 5pm on Sunday July 17.
Click here to enter The Courier Business Awards 2022 Innovation.
Sponsored by Research and Innovation Services University of Dundee
Thank you to the Research and Innovation Services University of Dundee for sponsoring the Innovation category at The Courier Business Awards 2022.
Bridging academia and industry, Research and Innovation Services University of Dundee are key strategic drivers of innovation and commercialisation, offering opportunities to develop and grow your business through access to academic knowledge and resources.
It does this by:
- Connecting local businesses to academic experts
- Advising on opportunities to access funding, innovate and grow
- Facilitating conversations and events that bring partnerships to fruition
A spokesperson said: “Research and Innovation Services at the University of Dundee are delighted to sponsor this year’s Innovation Award. This award gives businesses in the region an opportunity to shine a light on some of the fantastic innovation activities in the area.”
The Courier Business Award 2022 categories
Business Leader
Independent Retail
Leisure, Tourism and Hospitality
Resilience and Recovery
Small Business
Social Media
Transition to Net Zero
Young Business